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Kamla Health Care

Homeopathic Clinic, headquartered in Kanpur, Uttar Pradesh, is a startup committed to delivering top-notch healthcare services through in-person consultations and teleconsultations. Presently, we have inaugurated an advanced physical homeopathy treatment clinic in Kanpur, alongside a specialized teleconsultation center, extending our services to patients across India. Our goal is to offer premier homeopathic healthcare throughout the country, employing a dual strategy involving physical clinics and telemedicine.

Homeopathic Treatment for Major Chronic diseases

Hair Loss Treatment in Homeopathy

Hair Loss

बाल झड़ना

Skin Disorder Treatment

Skin Disorders

समस्त त्वचा रोग

Psoriasis Homeopathic Treatment



Male Sexual Disease Homeopathic Treatment

Male Complaints

पुरुष रोग

Tonsillitis Homeopathic Treatment

Female Disorders

स्त्री से सम्बंधित रोग

PCOD Homeopathic Treatment

PCOS PCOD/ Cyst / Fibroid

बच्चेदानी में गाँठ

Kidney Stone Homeopathic Treatment

Kidney & Gallbladder Stone

गुर्दे की पथरी

Cervical Spondylitis Homeopathic Treatment

Cervical Spondylitis

गर्दन में दर्द

Chalazion Homeopathic Treatment


आंख की पलक में गांठ

Backache Homeopathic Treatment

Ankylosing Spondylitis

रीढ़ की हड्डी में दर्द

Arthritis Homeopathic Treatment


गठिया / घुटने में दर्द

Eczema Homeopathic Treatment



Gastric Trouble Homeopathic Treatment

Gastric Troubles

पेट संबन्धी बीमारियाँ

MenstrualTrouble Homeopathic Treatment

Menstrual Disorders

मासिक धर्म से जुड़े विकार

Asthma Homeopathic Treatment

Respiratory Ailments

श्वसन संबन्धी रोग

Piles Homeopathic Treatment

Piles / Fistula / Fissure


Awards & Certificates

Satisfied Patients
0 Lac+
Years of Experience
0 +
Intern Doctors
0 +
MD Students
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